Creative Coping Group

Creative Coping is an exciting and innovative 8-week group therapy program that promotes healing through the arts. Each week children participate in a variety of artistic mediums (e.g. clay, painting, drawing, collage etc.) with a therapist and art facilitator. Psycho-education and art expression promote healthy ways of learning appropriate ways to identify feelings, regulate emotions, develop coping strategies, and enhance positive social connections.  

Art Mentor/ Art Facilitator

Art mentors/facilitators are knowledgeable in various artistic mediums. They introduce the group to engaging activities and provide guidance in maintaining a safe space for everyone to be creative without the fear of judgment. Children will learn how to use art to cope with difficult emotions. Mentors inspire clients to create unique and empowering works of art to facilitate healing.

Mental Health Professionals

Therapists facilitate a safe space for children to explore and learn about themselves and others. Each week therapists will introduce a particular theme to the group and encourage members to use artistic means of exploring these themes. Therapy, games, mindfulness and psycho-education are all integrated to provide an engaging experiencing for children, which promotes emotional and social growth.


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If your child could benefit from a having a supportive environment that encourages the use of artistic expression, mindfulness and social connection Creative Coping could be the perfect group!